What a fun place to work!
Parra Lanes Festival, Parramatta
Entree with my bff
I had Knafeh once before at that Moore Park food truck festival a year ago. It was my friend’s first time. They have definitely upped their game from a year ago…entertainment wise. There was an MC, everyone was dancing and singing and would regularly stop for dance breaks.
This was the perfect entree choice for parra lanes. I found a lot of people were crowding the area, about half of these people were in the line or waiting for their Knafeh.
The Bearded Bakers bring such a great energy, i actually used them as a example in my staff meeting, of how much fun they have at work and with their customers, that energy is uplifting and infectious.
Knafeh is a sweet cheese dessert, topped with crushed pistachios and soaked in sugar syrup — a bit like a cheesy Middle Eastern crème brûlée.